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About the country

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India is located in South Asia, bordering Pakistan to the west; ChinaNepal, and Bhutan to the north; and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. It is officially the world's most populous country.


India is home to almost 1.5 billion people! It has the largest Hindu population in the world and the third largest Muslim population globally as well. 




 India: Quick Facts 

- Population: 1.43 Billion

- Capital City: New Delhi

- Primary Religion: Hinduism

- Number of unengaged Muslim people groups

  (over 100,000 population): 9

- Interesting Fact: India has the largest amount of

  vegetarians in the world, and cows are a sacred

  animal for many.


How to pray         

  • Some workers in India are reporting visa issues and other challenges that make it hard for some of them to remain in-country. Please pray that God would keep the door open for many witnesses of Christ to go, serve and remain in this great nation.

  • Pray for the local Indian church to keep growing in the love and knowledge of Jesus, and that the Lord would keep fanning into flame their missional heart to reach out to others within their country.

  • Pray that the many from Hindu and Muslim people groups would have visions and dreams of Jesus and will be engaged with the Good News of Jesus through local Christians as well.

  • Pray for God to lead Prime Minister Modi in all his decisions - that he would be wise, a man of peace, and encounter the love of Jesus personally.

Next steps            

  • Find out more about our new prayer initiative - 'Pray for Thirty' here

  • Watch the India Prayercast video here to help you pray further.

Sample New Prayer Guide.jpg

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