What we do
With love and respect,
inviting all Muslim peoples
to follow Jesus
Our focus is on sending teams to live out and share the love of Jesus in Muslim communities where no one has previously made Him known.
People who join Frontiers and live overseas are committed to:
* Joining a team of like-minded people and living in unreached
Muslim communities.
* Learning the language and engaging in the culture of the people
they live amongst.
* Using their giftings and vocational skills to bless the communities
they live in.
* Sharing the good news of Jesus and inviting people to follow Him.
* Seeing people, families and communities transformed through
Jesus, and worshipping, growing, healthy communities of Christ
followers come into being and multiply.
Because the Muslim world is so large and diverse, Frontiers teams look different in different places. Each team works out how best to fulfil their calling to make disciples in the place they live, and are committed to helping their communities through things like teaching, running businesses, building wells, providing medical care, art and science. Our teams do so many different things. We value the uniqueness of everyone who comes to us and we will strive to place you somewhere you will thrive.
​Living overseas can be challenging so we have a dedicated member care team to be there for you when needed to ensure your wellbeing.
We work in close partnership with the sending church to:
new workers to go and serve among unreached Muslim peoples.
them on their journey towards going overseas and encourage them in their walk with God.
workers with the tools they'll need to be effective in the place God has called them to serve.
for workers regularly and plug them into our wider prayer supporters network.
them with teams overseas that they might join.