About the country
Indonesia is located in SouthEast Asia, situated between the Indian and Pacific oceans. It is the world’s largest island country, with more than thirteen thousand islands and is the world’s 14th largest country in terms of land area.
With over 260 million people, it is the world’s 4th most populous country as well as the most populous Austronesian and Muslim- majority country. Java, the world’s most populous island, contains more than half of the country’s population.
Indonesia: Quick Facts
- Population: 280,719,000+
- Capital City: Jakarta (over 8 million people)
- Primary Religion: Islam
- Number of unengaged Muslim people groups
(over 100,000 population): 10
- Interesting Fact: The word ketchup in English comes from the Indonesian word kecap, which is a sweet soy sauce.
How to pray
Give thanks to God for various 24-7 prayer 'towers' that have been places of constant prayer since 2000. Pray for more to be set up, and for Jesus to move in response to His people's prayers.
Pray that each of 10 unengaged Muslim people groups below will soon be engaged with the Good News of Jesus. Pray for the:
- Konjo Pegunungan
- Konjo Pesisir
- Lampung Abung
- Lintang
- Luwu
- Mandar
- Sanggau Sekadau
- Selayar
- Semendo
Give thanks that a church in N. Ireland recently got to give audio Bible's to some people from the Luwu people group. Pray that God would use the Scriptures to have a powerful impact among this people group.